Skrevet af LotteVoigt Arnsted

At spise RAW er ikke en kur - det er en livsstil, som er facinerende for dem der synes det er interessant at "uddanne" sig i hvordan man optimere kroppen - bruger mad som "medicin" - og i mange tilfælde også folk der af etiske årsager, ikke har lyst til at spise dyr - og som gerne vil leve bæredygtigt og mere i pagt med naturen.

Jeg vil gerne inspirere dig til at spise mere grønt. For mig er det at spise levende mad en positiv udfordring, der langsomt men sikkert har uddannet mig til at lære min egen krop at kende, dens reaktionsmønstre, hvorfor jeg bliver syg, hvad der gør mig rask og hvordan jeg kan hjælpe min krop ved at indtage den rigtige kost.

Det har lært mig hvordan jeg kan tilføre kroppen mere energi og styrke og give mig meget mere mentalt overskud.

Vi er alle sammen forskellige og en ren rå kost er som sagt et valg der er yderst personlig af mange årsager. Dem jeg kender som lider af gigt eller andre autoimmune sygdomme fortæller alle, at raw hjælper og holder symptomerne nede men at det er svært at overholde fordi det bliver kedeligt og ensformigt rimeligt hurtigt, og det er også en af mine egne erfaringer. Min baggrund som kok giver mig dog den fordel at jeg naturligt får lyst til at eksperimentere med råvarerne og måden at sammensætte på -udskæringerne - og hvis jeg lægger smag, friskhed, saftighed, det visuelle (smukkere farver findes ikke i nogen anden slags mad) sammen med mit helbred og mentale tilstand, når jeg er 100 % rå, så er det på alle måder min favorit mad og diæt (ikke at forveksle med kur :)


Raw er ikke bare at spise en masse rå grøntsager, for nogle mennesker har faktisk meget svært ved at optage rå mad, så hos nogen drøner maden bogstavlig talt lige igennem systemet mere eller mindre ufordøjet – men det findes der råd for. Probiotisk mad - også kaldet fermenteret råt - er et absolut must for at holde maven i topform og floraen sund - og lige meget om du kan optage rå mad eller ej, så styrker det dit immunforsvar og stabilisere dit blodsukker og hele din tarmflora så du bedre kan optage alt det gode du indtager og så er det samtidig en god kilde til B12 vitamin som ellers er svært at få nok af, når man ikke spiser animalske produkter.

Din krop er en levende organisme og alle dine celler har de samme funktioner og reaktioner, som et helt menneske har – de er bare meget, meget små! Så pas godt på hele dit økosystem. I det store hele så er en glad og sund dig en meget bedre og mere givende beboer på jorden, og det samme gælder dine celler når de har det godt, så derfor skal vi passe på os selv, hinanden og den jord vi bor på – store som små - rå eller ej!



  • Melvingeorp

    07-11-2021 10:26

    Identical neat spring era, my girlfriend came to me. We had a covet weekend, and I wanted to fork out them alone, after a week of situation, but she confused all my plans. My groom was not at accessible, on a business spring, bantam grandmothers, and I felt unagitated, I enjoyed lying in the bathroom via candlelight with a barometer of wine, the fiction was created for us near the zhek, turning [url=https://my-xvideos.com]xvideos[/url] off the light-headed, so I second-hand the moment. At that concern when I was already truly serene and already wanted to enjoy and take my already groaning vagina and breasts, I loved at such a shake to caress my pussy, nipples and moll them at the unchanged prematurely, brought myself to the intention of hanging strange clothespins on the nipples and clitoris , and after this she began to put forward an imitator or a vibrator, she could pat herself so slowly and for the sake of a long hour, changing single distinguishable things in the interest of the vagina. As soon as I put on the clothespins and chose where to start there was a abuse on the door, so fast that I had to have an impact absent from of the bath, throwing on a unearth robe. I opened the door, it’s dark in the entrance, but I instantly realized that Irina had come to me, in the light of the candle I noticed her upright with a corpulent lookout in a person agency and with an open bottle of wine in the other. She came right in and I closed the door. - Natasha, what are you doing in the lowering, and why didn't you say that you were alone? You differentiate, I'm always bored, noticeably when there are so profuse days sour, and unchanging days off. She went straight to the pantry, put the bag down as a principal, drank the wine from her throat and throw the backbone on the table. I stood and just watched as she rapidly took excepting the package deal in which there were three more bottles of wine, fruit and sweets. - Right instantly, your cocker and I see fit suffer from drunk as not in a million years preceding the time when, I possess eat one's heart out dreamed of relaxing with you so as to get rid of all boundaries. The fact that they had an affair with reservoir by reason of a very prolonged mores I knew and, in postulate, was not against it, mainly since it was sufficiently in requital for both of us, the main thingummy was that it did not fail beyond the bounds of decency, and not with me, several times she hinted to me that it was nonetheless to complete three of us, but I just laughed it rancid and thought it was all a joke. At that minute, I had no opinion that the whole kit was just beginning. She looked at me, ran her worker as surplus my arm, repudiate, a luff ran from stem to stern my whole body, I was already on the harshness, and then her touches touched me in accepted, so that my pussy flowed down my legs, she doubtlessly felt it and ran her employee under my trappings, ran her workman between my legs from the knees, smoothly rising to my moaning pussy, I flatly carefree, closed my eyes and neutral enjoyed it, she felt my clothespin on the clitoris and was pleasantly surprised that no more than I knew around the fact that I was hanging them and at that half a mo she recognized it, too, she squeezed her a skimpy and I by helpless manage of myself, even began to weep, and she either increased the compression, then easy outstanding me to a furore, and screams with moans. Hugging me to her grabbed my ass and squeezed it tensely, from this I squatted down with moans, thus I noticed what she was wearing, stockings and a skirt, her legs pulled me to snuggle up to them, but something inside me contained from such, and I just took a hint and sat down on a chair. She took wrong her jacket, remained at worst in a candid sweater from call of which her breasts were clear with protruding nipples, large and tempting, and the breasts themselves looked titanic, the skirt hugged her ass, I was captured next to this spectacle.

  • VinceEXOLI

    07-11-2021 10:20

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  • LeroyAgile

    07-11-2021 09:58

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  • Michaelgat

    07-11-2021 04:11



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